Universities vote for Europe 2024
[u4e] Key Messages of Universitiies for Enlightenment on the European Parliament Elections 2024
[U4e] Supporting Democracy in Europe
[at] Academic Freedom in the Digital Age
University of Vienna, 16 September 2019, 18:00 – 20:00
[U4E] EFA 2019 - keynote
by Snježana Prijić Samaržija, Rector, University of Rijeka
Patrick George Zaky’s arrest: the motion of the University of Bologna
[CRC,HRK, KRASP, RKRS, uniko, FHK] Statement on Budapest University of Theatre and Film Arts
[DE] FREIHEIT IST UNSER SYSTEM: 70 Jahre grundgesetz
Initiative der Allianz der Wissenschaftsorganisationen
[U4e] EFA 2019: Can Science Secure Liberty?
European Forum Alpbach, 21.08.2019, 16:30-18:00
[EU] Bonn declaration on Freedom of scientific research
The signatories undertake to protect the critical discourse and condemn violations of freedom of scientific research. This entails the protection of researchers by government institutions and safeguarding against government intervention in the freedom of research.
[AT] Uni innsbruck:
54 Fragen: Europa.
Deine Fragen. Unsere Antworten.
[EP] Choose your future.
“Today I’m being born. What will the world I grow up in look like?”
[AT] uniko: Start der aktionswoche
Bildnachweis: Universität Mozarteum/Christian Schneider
[U4e] Universities vote for Europe
[CRASP-HRK-UNIKO] Statement on the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Polish, German and Austrian Rectors’ Conferences call upon the Hungarian Government to preserve the institutional autonomy and academic freedom of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
[AT] Forscherin Katharina und die EU…
©European Union/EP, 2018
Jihlava, 25 April 2019
[CRO] Public discussion
"Vote for Europe/
Vote for Science"
April 8th, 12 PM, Rijeka City Hall, Korzo 16
[ITA] Memo4europe
February 27, 2019 at 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM